Palm, Read; Future, Standard

And at the party, some young dude, who supposedly has studied the science of palm reading, read my palm. I forget what he said, something like I had health problems in the last few years – not true at all – and trouble would besiege me between the ages of 45 and 50. 13 is a lucky number for me. 2 is not. I’m going to live to be in my 70s. I’ve lost love. This dude wasn’t a coworker but someone hired for the party. He wore some kind of white Arab-looking skullcap and had orange paint between his eyes and on his earlobes.


wendylinge said…
Au contraire, garcon, remember the problems with your knee? Lost love, that is true. When you are 45 I will be 83. I hope I am still around to help you with your trouble.