Going anywhere by myself in India is an adventure.
Hill Road was the first road I walked on in India. I stayed in a hotel my first two nights on Hill Road. I was too overwhelmed by the absolute madness of the street to tilt my head back to look at the apartment towers when I was walking. I’ve spent more time looking up since then, and damn. There are some luxury apartments around here. My apartment is not. My apartment is just old, which isn’t to say that a construction crew couldn’t turn it luxury. Next to my apartment is a small clump of one story housing with corrugated steel roofs. The walls appear to be concrete, and therefore I’m thinking it’s not a real slum, whose house walls would be made of plastic or more corrugated steel. But anyway, when I stand on one of the two balconies of my 3rd floor (it would be the 4th floor in the U.S.) apartment, and look over the one-story housing clump, I can see into another apartment tower, and I see bourgeois appointments, complete with a huge flat screen tv hanging on the wall. So Bandra is ...