The day to day in another place

How great does five weeks in Singapore sound? So exciting, traveling to faraway lands, trying new foods, going new places, meeting new people. It does sound pretty good, and maybe someday we will go on such a five week adventure. Since we arrived on March 3 in Singapore, Christine has been working, and I've been sharing nanny duties with Bobby's grandparents. Christine's parents live in the suburbs, so when you exit the front door, it doesn't exactly look like this: view of downtown Singapore from offshore These three towers of Marina Bay Sands have become the most recognizable image of Singapore. Unfortunately, their image does a disservice to foreigners who may be curious about Singapore. Inside the towers are a luxury hotel, luxury restaurants, and a casino. It's really designed for super rich foreigners. Although I'm not a super rich foreigner, I could be there with a 45 minute train and bus ride. Alas, I am not likely to do that. There are a lot of ...