
Showing posts from April, 2007

Crimes Against Humanity

That would never look good on a job application.

More Notes from the Hurricane that swept DC

I briefly made the acquaintaince of Benjamin Ferencz , a Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials. My law student friend told him it was an honor to meet him because he had been a Chief Prosecutor. He responded in good humor: "I probably should have been a defendant." I think this hilarious. I mean, he was calling himself a Nazi. He is a man of short stature. 88 in years. Everyone at the conference knew who he was, and people basically bowed in respect whenever he spoke. He wasn't particularly impressed by my friend and me. His joke was his way of getting around us and getting to the cheese table. The Dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton, Anne-Marie Slaughter, is hot, for a lady of a certain age. She moderated a panel discussion on the future of international law. I didn't understand most of what was said: dense language, heavy accents, un-captivating speakers. Plus, I had just downed three glasses of wine and a plate of h...

Hurricane Linge tears through Washington, D.C. (and a post script on human rights)

I was feeling very Tucker Max in the evenings. I was feeling very scholarly during the day. In the evenings, I was told I had no filter on the words and sentences that came from my mouth. I drank a lot of alcohol and went to a few bars. (I don't do this very often anymore. I'm over it. I usually drink red wine by myself on my couch and read the newspaper and talk to my roommate.) I am sure there are numerous people in D.C. last weekend who thought I was an idiot, and they were right. In the day I went to some boring, yet also very, very interesting, panel discussions on international law. I heard about arbitration, bilateral investment treaties, the harmonization of food law, what law can do for climate change, et cetera, et cetera. Funny note: arbitrators tend to be "pale, male, and stale." I met an elderly man (I met many men, some women and girls too.), a German who is now a very respected law professor in Germany and was also, I believe, a judge for, I believe, t...

He's Not Over Himself Yet

"Eating is for Pussies." -- Eric Linge, 4/1/2007 "I have to get rid of this hangover so I can get drunk tonight." -- Joshua "the motherfucking greatest" Ian Herina, all of 2005-present "Your arrogance will be your downfall." -- Joshua "the motherfucking greatest" Ian Herina, to Eric Linge, about Eric Linge, 4/1/2007